
Hello Again!

I'm coming out of studio hibernation.  Sometimes you just need a break.  Time to look and be, but not make.  Time to reacquaint yourself with why this is the path you have chosen and to understand what you want to work on next.  It's a treat and a luxury to be able to take a break.  Amen!   BUT, it can be a challenge to reestablish a studio routine when it's time to start working again.  There is this exciting pull, but an equally strong resistance.  I think it's that you have to face yourself head on and that is both thrilling and scary.  I usually need a deadline to jump start the reentry.  My deadline this time was for a book show at Watson MacRae Gallery in Sanibel, Florida.  Below is one of the pieces I made for the show.  It's an updated version of an earlier story about a dog named Issy.  Issy has a pencil leg and he writes a book titled Confessions of a Small Dog with his pencil leg.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to ask mayo to write down her confessions! Or maybe not! haha! the book looks great! congrats on the show!
